Latest NAV per share (net asset value per financial or management statements / number of shares in issue): R 1 664
Original issue price:  R1 000 | NAV growth to date 64%

Click here for the latest auditor’s letter on value.

Online over the counter platform now active! Go to BUY & SELL FORM tab to put in a buy or sell offer. Buyers and sellers with matched orders will be introduced to each other to conclude a transaction. This site is not an exchange.  A company secretary fee of R900 + VAT will be applicable on all transfers effected, for the account of the seller.

DEF – Investor Class 1


Number of shares Offer price per share Transaction size
1 R1500 R1500
1 R1200 R1200
5000 R10 R50000


Number of shares Asking price per share Transaction size
10000 R3 R30000
10000 R4.58 R45800
1 R1200 R1200
1 R1500 R1500